Wave Goodbye to Stubborn Belly Fat with CoolSculpting® Elite Treatments

By: Our Team


Are you struggling with stubborn belly fat that refuses to disappear despite rigorous diet and exercise? You're certainly not alone in this battle. This common frustration is challenging for many, but there's a beacon of hope. At Botox & Co. in Springfield, MO, Sherrie Ament-Sturtevant, FNP, harnesses the power of CoolSculpting Elite, a revolutionary approach to nonsurgical fat removal. This advanced technique, also known as fat freezing, is meticulously crafted to assist you in achieving your body contouring aspirations without invasive surgery.

What is CoolSculpting Elite, and how does It work?

CoolSculpting Elite is an advanced body contouring treatment that uses controlled cooling to target and get rid of stubborn fat cells. During CoolSculpting, fat cells are exposed to a precise cooling temperature that causes them to crystallize and die without affecting surrounding tissues. Over time, the body naturally processes and disposes of these dead fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction of the fat layer. The treatment is particularly effective for areas like the abdomen, where fat can be resistant to diet and exercise. With no surgery or downtime required, CoolSculpting Elite offers a safe and convenient option for those looking to refine and sculpt their body contours.

How does CoolSculpting work on stubborn fat?

CoolSculpting Elite operates on the principle of cryolipolysis. This scientifically proven method involves freezing fat cells to a temperature where they are destroyed without harming the surrounding tissues. Here's how the process works:

  • Targeted approach: The CoolSculpting device is placed on the problem area, focusing exclusively on stubborn fat.
  • Safe and effective: The cooling technology works to freeze and crystallize the fat cells.
  • Natural removal: Over time, your body naturally processes and removes these dead cells, reducing the fat layer.

By directly targeting fat cells, CoolSculpting Elite can circumvent the need for general weight loss, making it an ideal solution for areas like the belly, where fat can be particularly stubborn.

What are the benefits of fat freezing?

Choosing CoolSculpting Elite for nonsurgical fat removal offers a unique blend of comfort and efficiency, making it a preferred choice for body contouring. Consider these benefits:

  • Noninvasive: CoolSculpting Elite is noninvasive, meaning no incisions or anesthesia.
  • Minimal downtime: Most clients resume their normal activities almost immediately after the session.
  • Lasting results: Once the fat cells are expelled, they're gone as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

While CoolSculpting Elite is effective, it's not a weight loss solution or an alternative to a healthy lifestyle. It's best suited for those close to their ideal weight who want to lose stubborn fat.

Is nonsurgical fat removal right for you?

CoolSculpting Elite is tailored to meet the needs of individuals with specific body contouring goals. It's an excellent option for many, but it's not suitable for everyone. Ideal candidates include those who are:

  • Near their target weight
  • Have distinct areas of stubborn fat
  • Looking for a nonsurgical solution

The best way to determine if this treatment aligns with your body goals and medical history is to schedule a consultation with Sherrie in Springfield, MO.

Lose stubborn belly fat

If you're ready to take the next step in your body contouring journey, CoolSculpting Elite at Botox & Co. in Springfield, MO, might be just what you need. Under the expertise of Sherrie Ament-Sturtevant, FNP, you can achieve the sleeker, more sculpted look you've been dreaming of. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and start your journey toward a more confident you.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.